
Visualizzazione dei post da marzo, 2021

Tre Grohovaz medagliati

Nel 1950 Jakova Zora Grohovac ha ricevuto la medaglia Ordine al merito di terza classe dalla Croazia come persona che ha contribuito a fare grande la Croazia. Nel 1974 Grohovaz Ivan e Grohovaz Jerko ricevono la medaglia Ordine della Gloria di seconda classe (medaglia assegnata ai soldati per merito personale).

Guardia civile Fiume 1848

 Nel 1848 Pietro Grohovaz faceva parte della guardia civile di Fiume. In particolare faceva parte della 8° squadra di cui sono stati ritrovate le sintesi dei loro verbali. 25-26 maggio - Si ritiene che non sia di attribuzione  della Squadra Ne 15 di censurare i rapporti di altre squadre,  a meno che non voglia attribuirsi il Comando della Guardia  Nazionale." 11·12 giugno - A mezzanotte al Caffè Tedesco un  certo Michele Chinchicb Sellajo, essendo ubriaco e facendo  disordini con grida incessanti, venne arrestato e condotto nelle  Civiche Carceri."

Short story of my grandparents Grohovaz Luciano and Tosca Viezzoli

  I miei nonni Tosca e Luciano My great grandfather Angelo Grohovaz worked in a bar in the city of Sushak, where he lived with his son Luciano. My grandfather, instead, worked in the Rijeka Merchants Union, where also worked my grandmother Tosca. My grandmother, lived in calle Barbacane, where Her father, Vittorio, had a grocery store on the same street. Calle Barbacane During the war my grandfather Luciano was initially inolved in the anti-aircraft, only later to be  transferred to the office of the army. After the armistice he hid in the attic of his mother's house. On 1 September 1946 they got married in Rijeka. Between the end of 1946 and the beginning of 1947 my grandparents left Rijeka. My grandfather, alone, passing himself off as a railway worker, reaches Milan, where he finds work in the Bank of Rome. He lived in a house with other people, where women were not allowed to enter. My grandmother, instead, joins some of her relatives in Trieste who hosted her temporarily....

The origin of the surname Grohovaz and its history

 The surname Grohovaz seems to derive from the Hungarian Grahovac. In the early 1300s there is evidence of the first Grahovacs in the territories of today's Slovakia. In the mid-1300s they are also present in today's Bosnia and Croatia. Between the end of 1300 and the beginning of 1400 they founded the Montenegrin city of Grahovac, near the fortress of Ostrvica, where they fought but were annexed to the Ottoman Empire in 1451. From there someone moved to Rijeka and others founded Grohovo where activities and family possessions are registered as early as the beginning of the 1400s. The first documented Grohovac is Matteo Grohovac, who was public employee at Fiume  in the 1446. This group of Grahovac who founded the village of Grohovo gave rise to the surname Grohovaz / Grohovac. In the 1527 Margarita Grohovac was the owner of windmills and of some industrial plants for the transformation of the wool. In 1597 Bartolomeo Grohovac became Mayor of Rijeka and a few years later Archd...